Snow Mix Possible in El Paso This Weekend as Cold Front Pushes In

All aboard the El Paso weather roller coaster.

Although nights have been chilly lately, daytime temperatures have remained relatively mild and above normal. But forecasters say that will change for a few days starting Saturday, December 18.

Do you want to make a snowman? Well that probably won’t happen

Much cooler temperatures are forecast for El Paso this weekend, and with this cold front comes the possibility of a mix of snow and rain.

The winter mix may not even work, but you never know; Mother Nature does what Mother Nature wants. Most of the border area is more likely, according to the El Paso National Weather Service, to remain dry.

Another weather system will approach the area on Friday night and early Saturday on a track that will take it south of the border most of Saturday and Sunday, limiting the chances of precipitation in areas primarily east of the El Paso metropolitan area.

At the same time, a strong cold front will push in from the east bringing breezy easterly winds and much colder temperatures to the area. There is a chance of mixed rain and snow for much of Hudspeth County Saturday night and a lesser chance for eastern Otero County. Precipitation amounts will generally be light.

However, the potential for bouillon bowls is high.

But temperatures on Saturday and Sunday mornings could hover around freezing, so keep your furry socks and flannel pajamas close at hand. That means both days have the potential that at some point during each day I’ll be found hunched over a steaming bowl of Caldo de Res.

Predicted highs Saturday and Sunday are 50 to mid-50s. Things will start to heat up on Monday and the sun will come back, but I’ll still be dining in broth, because it could be 105 degrees in the middle of an El Paso summer And I’m still ready to sip Yes, I am that guy.

LOOK: History of food from the year you were born

From product innovations to major recalls, Stacker investigated what happened in the history of food every year since 1921, according to government news and sources.
