T-Mobile Sets New Bar – $20 Per Hour Min Wage

The Hobby Lobby announcement made a lot of people cheer up the other day when they set their new minimum wage at $ 18.50 an hour. Apparently T-Mobile said, yes? Well, how about a minimum of $ 20 per hour for all employees? Are we now seeing a bidding war for the best employees?

In a statement issued last week, T-Mobile CEO Mike Seivert stated;

Each and every T-Mobile employee, even the newest members of our team just beginning to develop their skill base, must be competitively paid. Therefore, we have decided to implement a nationwide minimum pay at T-Mobile of at least $ 20 per hour. This will now apply to all employees, regardless of their role, or their full or part-time status. The truth is that the vast majority of our employees already earn well above this level, especially when incentive pay is included. But this move is all about inclusion, and we wanted to draw a line that ensures no employee is left behind.

It has also been reported that since T-Mobile made this announcement, the number of job applications has skyrocketed. Before they averaged around 300 per week, now they are more than 4000.

Editorial Opinion: I know that being on the retail side of cell phone sales can be challenging, to say the least. Imagine having to explain to your grandmother how the remote control works over and over again, day after day. It takes a special someone, but the pay to do it is pretty good … at T-Mobile at least.

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From product innovations to major recalls, Stacker investigated what happened in food history every year since 1921, according to government news and sources.

LOOK: The best Christmas toys of the year you were born

With the holiday spirit in the air, it’s the perfect time to immerse yourself in the history of iconic holiday gifts. Using national toy archives and data curated by The Strong from 1920 to the present, Stacker searched for products that took hold of the public zeitgeist through novelty, innovation, kitsch, quirk, or just a great moment – and then rocketed. towards success.
