Rising Bread Costs and Political Revolution in Idaho

Rising Bread Costs and Political Revolution in Idaho

What’s your breaking point? It’s a question I’ve begun asking on-air. We get some excited callers from time to time and they’re in a revolutionary mood. I’ve replied that comfortable people don’t revolt. It’s a nasty, disruptive, and often bloody business. There is no guarantee you’ll get a better outcome than the present. I bring … Read more

Inflation Blows Into Idaho Like a Whirlwind

Inflation Blows Into Idaho Like a Whirlwind

A Facebook acquaintance from the east coast claims he sees no inflation when grocery shopping. I do not know where he shops and I do not know his politics. He doesn’t post about the latter. I dropped by a few stores here in southern Idaho over the weekend and begged to differ. In Some Places … Read more

Trudy’s Kitchen in Idaho City Gets a Rave Review

Trudy's Kitchen in Idaho City Gets a Rave Review

Trudy’s is now on my shortlist of places I must visit. Near the top of my bucket list. Only in Your State is a national publication. The writers travel the highways and byways of Middle America in search of good food, local traditions, and a welcoming culture. Somehow, the magazine made it to Idaho City. … Read more

The US states with the most organic farms | Food & Cooking

The US states with the most organic farms | Food & Cooking

Photo Credit: veeterzy / Shutterstock As the force that feeds and nourishes the population, agriculture is one of the most vital industries in the US economy. To accommodate the country’s growth over the years, agricultural practices have evolved to become more efficient, capable of reliably meeting the population’s daily needs. But these efficient practices also … Read more

Sri Lanka reverses organic farming drive as tea suffers | Agriculture News

Sri Lanka reverses organic farming drive as tea suffers | Agriculture News

Government backs down from ambitious plans to become the world’s first completely organic farming nation, reversing ban on fertilizer imports. Sri Lanka has backed down from its ambitious plans to become the world’s first completely organic farming nation, reversing a ban on imports of chemical fertiliser. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had imposed a total ban on … Read more

Organic food revolution in Sri Lanka threatens its tea industry | Food News

Organic food revolution in Sri Lanka threatens its tea industry | Food News

Sri Lanka’s drive to become the world’s top 100 percent organic food producer threatens its prized tea industry and has sparked fears of a broader agricultural disaster that could deal another blow to the troubled economy. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa banned chemical fertilizers this year to kick off his organic career, but tea plantation owners predict … Read more

Panhandling Appears a Good Way to Make a Living in Twin Falls, ID

Panhandling Appears a Good Way to Make a Living in Twin Falls, ID

If you look closely, you can see a man at the intersection with a sign. I saw the boy while eating my lunch. I like the view at the International House of Pancakes. I can watch the traffic along the Perrine Bridge and it is relaxing. Instead, the waitress seated us in another part of … Read more