Broome State of Emergency/ Travel Advisory Lifted

Broome State of Emergency/ Travel Advisory Lifted

Four days after it was issued, Broome County has lifted the State of Emergency put in place when a late season winter storm dumped several inches of heavy, wet snow on the region bringing down trees and numerous power lines. A ban on travel was put into place post-storm to be replaced hours by an … Read more

Stop buying organic food if you really want to save the planet

Stop buying organic food if you really want to save the planet

By Michael LePage A carbon nightmare Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images WANDER around the local supermarket and you will struggle to find any clues to the environmental impact of the food you eat. If you are lucky, some of the seafood might bear the mark of the Marine Stewardship Council, which certifies fish caught in … Read more

Alliance for Food and Farming: Embrace Healthy Eating, Ignore the “Dirty Dozen” List | News

Alliance for Food and Farming: Embrace Healthy Eating, Ignore the “Dirty Dozen” List | News

WATSONVILLE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apr 5, 2022– Despite significant criticism by the scientific and nutrition communities as well as continued declining interest from the media, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) persists in releasing it’s annual “dirty dozen” list. Peer reviewed research has shown that not only is this list scientifically unsupportable, but it also harms public health … Read more

“What Gives, No Spoons In Yakima?” Dave Finds Out The Hard Way

"What Gives, No Spoons In Yakima?" Dave Finds Out The Hard Way

They weren’t kidding. So I guess it was going to happen sooner or later, Dave gets trapped by the new state law Lance Tormey told us he was coming and here he is and I just spent the last 40 minutes driving around with a Dairy Queen ice cream melting in a bag in the … Read more

Organic food revolution in Sri Lanka threatens its tea industry | Food News

Organic food revolution in Sri Lanka threatens its tea industry | Food News

Sri Lanka’s drive to become the world’s top 100 percent organic food producer threatens its prized tea industry and has sparked fears of a broader agricultural disaster that could deal another blow to the troubled economy. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa banned chemical fertilizers this year to kick off his organic career, but tea plantation owners predict … Read more