Why Consumers Should Reject The Annual Disinformation Campaign About The Safety Of Our Produce Supply

Why Consumers Should Reject The Annual Disinformation Campaign About The Safety Of Our Produce Supply

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. The US supply is very safe from a … [+] pesticide residue perspective, but a perennial disinformation campaign would have you believe otherwise getty Since 2004, the Environmental Working Group has published its annual “Dirty Dozen List” which purports to be a “shopper’s guide” … Read more

Federal government eyes regulatory actions that will affect farmers

Federal government eyes regulatory actions that will affect farmers

Proposals to address competition in the livestock and poultry industry are on the way in 2022, according to the Department of Agriculture, one of many federal agencies whose actions in the coming year have the potential to affect farmers’ bottom line. USDA is far from the only part of the federal government with authority in … Read more