New 2019 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Food Lists Released by EWG

New 2019 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Food Lists Released by EWG

Foxys_forest_manufacturefake images The Environmental Working Group today released its annual “Dirty Dozen” list. The list includes the top twelve vegetables and fruits that have the most pesticide residues, including strawberries, spinach, and kale. The residue found was still below safety guidelines, and the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks. Each year, … Read more

Here’s Why You Should Only Buy Organic Strawberries, Spinach And Kale

Here’s Why You Should Only Buy Organic Strawberries, Spinach And Kale

Strawberries top EWG’s Dirty Dozen list for 2020. Getty If organic foods are in your budget, you may want to think twice about buying conventional strawberries, spinach, and kale. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a US-based research and advocacy group, released its 2020 Dirty Dozen list this week, an annual guide for fresh produce buyers … Read more

New Study Examines Organic Processed Food Vs. Conventional, Which is Healthier?

New Study Examines Organic Processed Food Vs. Conventional, Which is Healthier?

It’s tempting to pretend that all we eat is sun-soaked tomatoes straight from the garden, but let’s be honest: we all have at least one secret Whole Foods purchase, from pesticide-free versions of our favorite microwave oatmeal packages to non-GMO products. boxed macaroni and cheese gummy candies complete with a packet of not-so-neon but still … Read more