Hmmm, What is Your Favorite Road Trip Snack?

Hmmm, What is Your Favorite Road Trip Snack?

With spring break upon us, and the summer travel months just around the corner, what is your favorite snack while you are stuck in the car on a road trip? Road MapPhoto by Taras Zaluzhnyi on Unsplash For years I would travel with a couple of friends and our favorite always seemed to be the … Read more

West Michigan Family Welcomes Baby On 2/22/22 At 2:22 PM

West Michigan Family Welcomes Baby On 2/22/22 At 2:22 PM

A West Michigan family welcomed a baby girl into the world on a very special date and time. Credit: Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital via facebookCredit: Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital via facebook Dylan Alane Bofysil was born on Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022 at 2:22 pm in OR room number 2 at Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital. Credit: … Read more

Another Big Tip Given to a Server in Grand Rapids

Another Big Tip Given to a Server in Grand Rapids

It has been a great week for a couple of servers at restaurants here in Grand Rapids. Two waitresses have received a big tip by two different groups. First it was a group called Generosity Lunch. Eleven people showed up at Brann’s Steakhouse and Grille on Leonard Street, had lunch, and left a $1,038.77 tip … Read more

A New Place for Coffee in Grand Rapids

A New Place for Coffee in Grand Rapids

You know how it goes…you can’t get your day started without that first cup of coffee. The National Coffee Association estimates that 70% of the people in the United States drink coffee every week and 62% drink coffee on a daily basis. On the average, a coffee drinker has just over 3 cups per day. … Read more