It’s Organic September – but is organic food really better for your health, and for the planet?

It's Organic September – but is organic food really better for your health, and for the planet?

One potential problem here is the so-called “cocktail effect” – the mixing of different pesticides. Pesticides are tested individually, Percival says, and the combination could “interact in unpredictable ways, could have adverse health effects.” We just don’t know yet. The fact that several pesticides, previously considered safe, have since been banned, does not inspire confidence. … Read more

Eight foods you should always try to buy organic

Eight foods you should always try to buy organic

With its wide variety of vegetables, nuts and fish, the Mediterranean diet is often hailed as the healthiest in the world. Previous studies have linked diet to longer life, lower risk of depression, improving heart health, and protecting against dementia. But a new study offers a warning to the growing number of people switching to … Read more