Snow Turning to Freezing Rain Impacting Driving in Missoula

Snow Turning to Freezing Rain Impacting Driving in Missoula

With up to a foot of snow in the last 48 hours, Mother Nature is playing a cruel prank on drivers in Missoula and western Montana today with a good dose of freezing rain pouring over the snowfall. Meteorologist Alex Lukenbeal of the Missoula National Weather Service office has more details. “Yesterday we had several … Read more

Arntzen Responds to AA Superintendents’ No Confidence Letter

Arntzen Responds to AA Superintendents’ No Confidence Letter

The superintendents of Montana’s nine AA school districts signed a letter dated December 6 stating that “we do not trust your leadership as the principal of Montana’s public schools.” The KGVO approached Arntzen for his reaction to the letter, as one of the incidents cited in the letter occurred in Missoula. Arntzen told KGVO he … Read more

Mt. Sentinel Attacker gets 30 Years in State Prison Hospital

Mt. Sentinel Attacker gets 30 Years in State Prison Hospital

Jared Kuntz, 38, the man who brutally attacked a woman and her child on the ‘M’ trail on Mt. Sentinel in April 2020 and then attacked two other men that same day, was sentenced Monday morning. in Missoula District Court. by Judge Leslie Halligan. Deputy County Attorney Matt Jennings was the prosecutor on the case … Read more