What is something I HAVE to try? Let me hear what ya got Montana.

What is something I HAVE to try? Let me hear what ya got Montana.

We all love food, some of us are more of a “meat and potatoes” kind of person, whereas others, like me, like to have all different kinds. We like to try everything and then decide where our favorite “go-to” restaurants are. I was asking a friend the other day where to get some really good … Read more

Airline Announces They’re Cutting a Flight From Missoula Schedule

Airline Announces They're Cutting a Flight From Missoula Schedule

It’s been a pretty busy week for news out at the Missoula Montana Airport. And yes, I’m still getting used to referring to the airport by that name since they changed it. But name chatter aside, yesterday was a big day as the airport played host to a group that included Senator John Tester for … Read more

Dedicated Ag Researchers Added to Corvallis Expert Staff

Dedicated Ag Researchers Added to Corvallis Expert Staff

The Corvallis Western Agriculture Research Center (WARC) is gaining two new experts to help fruit and vegetable growers in Montana. They start work next week. The Montana State University research center specializes on fruits and vegetables that can grow in the regional weather. The center has had success over the years in a number of … Read more

A New Meat Processing Facility in Whitehall, Montana?

A New Meat Processing Facility in Whitehall, Montana?

Here’s a big question that people really started asking at the start of the pandemic. Where’s the meat? That’s what many of you were probably wondering when you showed up at grocery stores looking for fresh meat during the COVID-19 shutdowns. Meanwhile, ranchers were not getting the prices they deserve with the increased demand for … Read more

Supreme Court Halts Vaccine Mandate for Businesses

Supreme Court Halts Vaccine Mandate for Businesses

The US Supreme Court, voting 6-3, stopped a federal requirement for companies with at least 100 employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or regularly get tested and wear a mask at work. . The ruling was a blow to the Biden administration. However, the court, with a 5-4 decision, allowed the vaccination mandate for most … Read more