What’s the bottom line when it comes to weight loss?

What’s the bottom line when it comes to weight loss?

Newswise — When it comes to weight loss, many of us have dabbled in the latest diets. But whether you’re cutting carbs or keeping to keto, new research from the University of South Australia shows that diet trends can cost more than your waistline and leave a hefty hole in your hip pocket. In a … Read more

(Human) waste not, want not

(Human) waste not, want not

Newswise – December 15, 2021 – Today’s modern economy generates a lot of waste. Waste that accumulates in landfills, bodies of water and city streets. In countries that can afford sewage systems, human excreta is generally treated in a sanitary manner. But for poorer countries, human waste disposal, especially in cities, can cause health problems. … Read more

We prefer farmed salmon – as long as we don’t know what we’re eating

We prefer farmed salmon – as long as we don't know what we're eating

Newswise – A large number of packets of sliced ​​and vacuum-sealed smoked salmon hit Danish shopping carts every year. The vast majority of this smoked salmon comes from Norwegian aquaculture farms. In recent times, conventionally farmed Norwegian salmon have gained a questionable reputation and notoriety for containing pharmaceutical and chemical residues, as well as contaminating … Read more