General Mills talks growth of natural and organic segment

General Mills talks growth of natural and organic segment

Increased sales of the natural and organic products segment are forecast for 2021 + 6.6% to $ 271 billion and expected to exceed $ 300 billion by 2023, Outperforming Total Food and Beverage Growth, According to New Hope. Speaking to FoodNavigator-USA, Priscilla Zee, director of General Mills’ organic and natural products portfolio business unit that … Read more

Organic produce sales up double digits in 2020, outpacing conventional

Organic produce sales up double digits in 2020, outpacing conventional

Organic fresh produce sales in 2020 were approximately $ 8.5 billion, an increase of more than $ 1 billion from 2019, and accounted for 12% of all fresh produce sales, according to Nielsen scan data provided in the Organic Produce Network Report. In comparison, sales of conventional products increased 10.7% during the year. Like many … Read more

Organic sales surge as consumers look for healthy options to eat at home during the pandemic

Organic sales surge as consumers look for healthy options to eat at home during the pandemic

Within organic products, food and beverage sales increased 12.8% in 2020 to $ 56.4 billion, almost three times the growth of 4.6% to $ 50 billion in 2019 and the highest since 2008, OTA found in its 2021 Organic Industry Survey of nearly 200 companies conducted by the Nutrition Business Journal and published today. The … Read more

Sales growth of natural, organic products slows, but still on track to surpass $300bn by 2023

Sales growth of natural, organic products slows, but still on track to surpass $300bn by 2023

Despite the pandemic, and in some way because of the pandemic, [2020 was an] amazing year for us … with total industry sales growing 12.7% to $ 256 billion ”,Carlotta Mast, Senior Vice President and Market Leader for New Hope, said yesterday at the Natural Products Expo East in Philadelphia. He explained to in-person and … Read more