Your Questions About Food and Climate Change, Answered

Your Questions About Food and Climate Change, Answered

one Beef, lamb and cheese tend to do the most climate damage. Pork, chicken and eggs are in the middle. Plants of all kinds typically have the lowest impact. two What you eat matters a lot more than whether it’s local or organic, or what kind of bag you use to carry it home from … Read more

How They Work, Co-Ops Near You, and More

How They Work, Co-Ops Near You, and More

Co-ops are often frequented by eco-conscious and zero-waste customers, since most co-ops allow people to bring in their own cloth bags, jars, and containers, which they can then fill up with dry goods (like beans, tea leaves, and rice) from bulk bins, liquid products (such as soy sauce, oil, and shampoo) from large containers, and … Read more