Get A Free Chicken Sandwich in Area Code 870 on April 14th Only

Get A Free Chicken Sandwich in Area Code 870 on April 14th Only

Did you know that Thursday it’s “870 Day”? What’s an “870 Day” you ask? Believe it or not, April 14 is the day area code 870 came about and split off from area code 501 back in 1997, giving southeast Arkansas its own area code. Quick, grad some noise makers and balloons, it’s time to … Read more

Cold and Dry This First Week of 2022 in Texarkana

Cold and Dry This First Week of 2022 in Texarkana

Happy New Year! By the way, if you’re keeping score, last week’s long-term forecast said we’d have snowfall on January 2nd, right? Let the log show that it did, snow and sleet actually, but very little made it to the ground as it blew in very cold temperatures over the weekend. The tipsters weren’t wrong, … Read more

It Was Raining Fish in Texarkana, Texas/Arkansas Wednesday

It Was Raining Fish in Texarkana, Texas/Arkansas Wednesday

Look, in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane … no, it’s a Shad, I think. In fact, it was a fish, lots of fish fell from the sky Wednesday night in Texarkana, Texas / Arkansas. Did you get something? We didn’t get any at our home, which we’ve found anyway, but we saw … Read more

Is It Illegal Driving With Your Interior Light On In Tx and AR?

Is It Illegal Driving With Your Interior Light On In Tx and AR?

This is one of those questions that comes up from time to time and some people are pretty adamant that driving with your interior lights on is illegal. Is it illegal in Texas and Arkansas? Let’s find out. I think we can all safely agree that driving with an interior light on is not safe, … Read more

Snow in Texarkana on January 2nd? It Could Happen

Snow in Texarkana on January 2nd? It Could Happen

We’ve been checking the long-term weather forecasts trying to get ahead of any nasty weather forecasts, and this weekend, yes, the first weekend of 2022, would you think there is snow in the forecast? It’s true. It depends on which forecast center you look at because they vary slightly, but from Saturday night to Sunday … Read more

Pepperoni Recall Affects Texarkana-Area Stores and Your Fridge

Pepperoni Recall Affects Texarkana-Area Stores and Your Fridge

For those of us who like to make our own pizzas, enhance other people’s pizza, or just grab one and slice a few for your own enjoyment, pepperoni is a way of life. This, however, is being removed from national and area store shelves due to possible contamination. Smithfield Packaged Meats, DBA Margherita Meats of … Read more

Top 20 Most Dangerous Cities in Texas Includes 5 In East Texas

Top 20 Most Dangerous Cities in Texas Includes 5 In East Texas

How do Nash and New Boston end up on this list? The 20 Most Dangerous Cities in Texas? Each year, the FBI and the Texas Greater State Department of Public Safety publish crime statistics for every city and county in the state. If you combine those statistics with population figures, you can get rudimentary figures … Read more