Have You Found and Tried the Pumpkin Spice Ramen in Amarillo?

Have You Found and Tried the Pumpkin Spice Ramen in Amarillo?

So I’m curious if this was ever on the shelf here in Amarillo. I was shopping at Target next to my daughter’s house in Dallas. Found these pumpkin spice ramen noodles. When you mentioned it at the beginning, I thought you were joking. I turned the cart to see what he was talking about. Yes, … Read more

Needing More Unique Food Options In Amarillo? Check This Out.

Needing More Unique Food Options In Amarillo? Check This Out.

More than once you will hear or have a conversation yourself about the need for more options when it comes to eating out in Amarillo. Well, check this out. Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine Recently, the news broke of the opening of a Mediterranean restaurant in the city. Today a friend of mine showed me this. … Read more