This Should Be Illegal for Dog Walkers to Do in Massachusetts

The days get shorter as winter approaches in New England and we all know what that means. It gets dark right after lunch. Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but seriously, at 4pm you need your headlights on and by 5pm it’s completely dark.

The earliest sunset means a lot of changes to our daily routines and can make each routine a bit more difficult, like your commute home from work. Something that drives me crazy throughout the year is when people go out for a walk in the dark and wear black clothes without lights or reflectors.

As an avid runner and dog walker, I am on the road quite often. I fully understand that it is the driver’s job to be vigilant and share the road with pedestrians, but if you are on the roads or sidewalks after dark or before dawn, help drivers and protect yourself at the same time!

In fact, I think there should be state guidelines around this issue. I know there are already so many laws and regulations in place in the Commonwealth that we call home, but when it comes to preventing injury from accidents or worse, I would rather be safe than sorry. Every time I go for a run or take my dog ​​for a walk, I carry a lightweight flashlight and attach reflective tags to my dog’s collar.

If someone is on the public highway after dark, be it a walker, runner, cyclist or whatever, they should wear bright or reflective clothing or carry a light. For people walking outside at dusk or later, if they are dressed in black, YOU ARE ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO SEE!

They make so many attachable or portable lights and reflectors these days, there’s really no reason not to have one. Or just bring a normal old flashlight. Not only does it stay safe, but it also helps drivers. Motorists who accidentally injure or kill someone also suffer from the trauma of the incident. I’m saying this excuses negligence, but it just makes the roads safer for everyone involved.

There’s a woman I drive with almost every morning on the way to work (when it’s dark all year, oh, the glamorous life of a morning radio host) and she walks her dog down a dimly lit street, but always use reflectors. and he has them on his dog too. As soon as I turn the corner of the street, I see them immediately, slow down and give them ample space. It’s what we should all be doing.

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