We Have Not Learned Much In 3 Years When It Comes to Hatred

My list of regrets could fill a 10-gallon bucket. Among them is not saving all the segments of Hometown View that I have done for more than 25 years. If I had, I would have written a book that might not have sold many copies, but would have allowed me to leave a legacy for my grandson. As it is, I only have the last few years’ worth, and while searching through the archives, I found this one from three years ago. It’s amazing how much hasn’t changed.

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a lot of hate in this world. I mean we see and hear it everywhere in our own communities, state and country and of course around the world. It comes in all shapes and sizes, is thrown around by people pretending to be leaders, and impacts most of us in one way or another.

Some of this comes from those who have a perverse sense of power by flexing their vocal cords or using social media to insult and ridicule, especially when it comes to sex, race, religion, education, politics…even the football team. what do you support People do not identify as men and women, but rather if they are from the right or from the left, rich or poor, sloppy or neat. Sometimes it seems that we are waging a class war that should have died with Karl Marx, the socialist and not one of the Marx Brothers.

Look, I’m not advocating peace and love (although that would be nice), but it’s time to criticize those who just hate for hating and just have fun kicking others. I clearly believe that some of the blame must be directed at our so-called “leaders.” Where is the example of true leadership that we can point to? When you find it let me know.

We live in a world where debates are fought in short sentences on social media, often boiling down to personal attacks and insults rather than intelligent dialogue. Don’t look to the mainstream media for intelligence either… the way to get your point across today is simply to yell at the other side when you disagree with them.

Sure you can have strong opinions, but shouldn’t you at least respect the fact that not everyone feels the way you do?

The world really would be a better place if the good guys finished first.

LOOK: Food history since the year you were born

From product innovations to major recalls, Stacker has researched what has happened in food history every year since 1921, according to news and government sources.
