Who is Wrong in Texas, the Lazy Shopper or the Cart Narc?

Before I get into what I think, I want you to watch the video and decide for yourself.

@ thecartnarcs # fyp ♬ original sound – TheCartNarcs
As you can see, there was a man in Texas who had just finished his grocery shopping and instead of returning the cart (or buggy) he used, he left it in front of his vehicle for an employee to pick it up later. It was lazy, yes, but nothing that thousands of people don’t do on a daily basis.
The video was posted to TheCartNarcs on TikTok and captured tens of thousands of reactions and thousands of comments in just days. Everyone has their own opinion on who was wrong.

The guy who finished shopping was being lazy

Plain and simple, it is a very easy task to return your grocery cart after putting your items in your vehicle. Another thing you probably shouldn’t have done is get out of your vehicle to confront someone. Although at the same time, I would not be happy if someone I do not know felt that it was okay to put something in my vehicle.

Tiktok videographer is instigating a confrontation

I’m not exactly sure why Tiktok’er feels the need to videotape people not returning carts, but that’s up to him. But I don’t know anyone who wants to be random in a video of someone they don’t know, it’s disrespectful. So this cameraman thinks it’s okay to put something in the man’s vehicle. Which is absolutely wrong. If it is not your vehicle or your property, you should leave it alone.

It’s great that the cameraman took the time to return the cart after the incident ended, but I’m not so sure he really cares if the carts are returned after they’ve been used. I guess he was just trying to get famous on Tiktok by calling someone.

If I had to decide, I would side with the man who did not return the car. It was a mistake, but at least it didn’t take a video of a stranger, put something in someone’s vehicle, and essentially instigate an argument.

What do you think, who do you think is right after watching this video? Remember that we can disagree and remain friends.

LOOK: Food history from the year you were born

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LOOK: Here are 30 foods that are poisonous to dogs

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Get a preview of all the delicious food you’ll be able to enjoy at the 2021 State Fair of Texas in Dallas.
