Your guide to buying a compost bin

A compost bin is a must for any home gardener with the outdoor space to accommodate one. Compost not only helps your pots and borders thrive, but compost is also an eco-friendly way to get rid of food and garden debris.

The UK wastes around 9.5 million tonnes of food a year, and 70% of this amount is produced by households. In an attempt to address the amount of food waste reaching landfills, the government recently announced plans to collect food waste separately from general waste from all households across the UK by 2023.

When food ends up in a landfill, it spoils and emits greenhouse gases, including methane, which are extremely damaging to the environment. Until food waste collection spreads to every UK household, composting remains a great way to put food waste to good use.

Your garden will flourish too, as compost improves soil structure, nourishes plants, and regulates the pH balance of the soil.

If you are looking to start composting or looking for a new compost bin, you have many options. We consulted an expert from the Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) to discuss which compost bins are the most sustainable and to help you decide which one is right for you.

How to choose a compost bin

There are several factors to consider when choosing your compost bin. First, it is important to consider how much space you have available; While some smaller containers are effective, others require more space to function effectively.

You also need to consider how much compost you want to make and how quickly. And, of course, compost bins vary in price, so your budget will also help determine which type you opt for.


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Wooden trash can

According to Guy Barter, chief horticulturist at RHS, wooden composting bins are worth considering if you’re just getting started with composting at home.

He said: “Because of its low cost it is feasible to have two, transferring compost from one to the other when one is empty, to ‘turn it over’. Mixing ingredients at least once in the composting cycle is advantageous both in terms of the speed of composting and the quality of the finished material, according to RHS research. ”


  • Wooden containers are inexpensive. If you’re into DIY, you can even build ours out of scrap wood and pallets.
  • Wood is a sustainable material, especially compared to plastic, which many other compost bins are made of.
  • Wood is a natural insulator that helps maintain a constant temperature in your compost bin.


    • In some cases, gaps in the wood can mean heat is escaping from the compost. Composting can take six to 12 months in a wooden bin.
    • They are not suitable for large volumes of compost.
    • They can attract rats, making them unsuitable for kitchen waste.

      Plastic compost bins

      This may be the type of compost bin that you are most familiar with. They typically come in black or green, blocking the lights to keep weeds from growing inside, and they have a hatch at the bottom that makes it easy to remove the compost.


      • Plastic compost bins can be purchased cheaply.
      • They are good for tight spaces.


        • They are less durable than other containers and can become brittle after years in the sun or cold weather.
        • It can be more difficult to turn compost in a plastic container than in a wooden one.

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          Hot compost bins

          Hot composting uses higher temperatures to break down waste more quickly. These containers tend to be made of a material called polypropylene that retains the heat generated by the organisms that break down the compost. The most popular of these products is the HOTBIN, which can compost in just 90 days and won the Chelsea Garden Product of the Year in 2019.

          Guy said: “Dealing with large amounts of waste would require a lot of investment in Hotboxes, so in larger gardens they would probably supplement rather than replace wooden compost bins, dealing with material that is best suited for hot composting.” These materials include straw, shredded paper, and dried fall leaves.


          • The hot boxes compost thoroughly and quickly, generating heat more reliably than other compost bins and reducing the need for turning. According to Guy, they can produce compost in as little as three months.
          • They work all year round and are weather resistant.
          • They can easily fit in a smaller garden, as even smaller containers are very efficient.
          • They do not attract rats.


            • Hot containers are the most expensive option, usually costing over £ 150.


              Worms are your friends in the garden, as they are very effective at composting kitchen waste. A worm bin, also known as a worm bin, usually has two parts: one for kitchen waste and worms, and one for collecting the liquid.


              • Unlike wooden compost bins, worms do well with kitchen waste.
              • They produce high-quality compost in less than a year.
              • They also produce a liquid fertilizer.
              • They do not attract rats.


                • A wormery requires more maintenance than other compost bins, as you have live creatures to take care of. However, according to Guy, many gardeners enjoy caring for worms.

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                  Bokashi bin

                  If you are looking for a compost bin for the kitchen, a Bokashi bin may be the way to go.

                  This is not technically a compost bin, as it involves fermentation rather than decomposition. Bokashi is also a natural process in which food waste is transformed into organic matter, much like composting. But while composting requires oxygen, Bokashi is an anaerobic process that works by keeping materials away from oxygen.


                  • A bokashi container works best when kept indoors, making it a great option if you don’t have a lot of outdoor space.
                  • They are small and convenient to fit in your home.
                  • They won’t attract rats and they don’t smell.
                  • Produces liquid that can be used as a fertilizer.


                    • Bokashi’s composting requires maintenance, possibly more than having an earthworm, according to Guy. Every day’s waste should be compressed into the bin to prevent air from getting into the compost. It also helps to drain fluid regularly.
                    • These containers are not suitable for processing large amounts of yard waste.

                      Top tips for home composting

                      Now that you have your compost bin, here’s how to use it effectively.

                      • Start by deciding where is the right place for your container; It should be level and well drained so your container can easily expel excess water.
                        • Just as important is knowing what to put in your compost bin. It’s good to add vegetable peels, grass clippings, egg cartons, and fruit waste, but meat, dairy, cooked food, and dog poop are off-limits as they can attract pests.
                          • Converting compost involves simply sticking a fork or shovel into it and turning it over. As mentioned, this is easier to do in some compost bins than others.
                            • You can use your compost by sprinkling it over your vegetable garden or flower beds, mixing it with potting soil, or spreading a thick layer over your lawn soil.



                              Can I get a free compost bin from the town hall?

                              Depending on where you live, you may be able to get a discounted compost bin. Local authorities across the UK work with to provide discounted composting bins and water butts. Simply enter your zip code here to find out if your city council subscribes to the plan.

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