Your questions answered | Wicked Leeks

Ever wondered what rewilding actually means? Or what’s the difference between grass-fed and organic? Or perhaps you’ve heard it’s good to cut down meat but don’t know why or how? It can be daunting and sometimes even impossible to make the best ethical choice, or navigate the greenwash that is out there in busy lives when you don’t always have the time to look into the detail.

Wicked Leeks is a community of like-minded readers, interested in sustainable food, ethical business and making a positive impact. In our last issue, we crowdsourced questions from our readers to put to the magazine’s team of expert writers, including Riverford founder Guy, Wicked Leeks editor Nina and others. With such a great response (see the Q&A write up), we’ve decided to make this into a regular feature.

Starting from September, we will select regular reader questions to answer and feature on the Wicked Leeks website. The questions you pose will also inform what articles, interviews and investigations we focus on for the future.

How to submit your question

Register below or login to comment and submit your question, on anything from organic food, plastic, farming politics, gardening or cooking.

To submit your comment, click here to register or login